Why Knovio is the Perfect Fit for Insurance Organizations

Open enrollment can be a hectic time; you likely have a number of clients that need customized presentations around their benefit options unique catered to their company.
Getting all these presentations made, customized, and in the hands of users in time can be quite the undertaking and can leave some professionals scrambling. What a lot of these folks have started doing is to bring on resources that not only make this process easier but allows them to use and present material in a more engaging way.
You Don't Need To Start From Scratch
Your schedule is extremely tight as is and you don't have time to re-invent the wheel, and Knovio doesn't make you. You can quickly upload your existing media (Slide-decks, Video's, Images, Audio, etc.) and create new presentations in seconds. These serve as the basis of your presentations before adding additional content and branding.
Add The Content You Need
You may have clients that need more content in their presentations than others. This is why we make it easy to modify what's added to and the type of branding that you add to the final product. Add, change, and remove things like audio and text narration, logo's, and speaker profiles before sending publishing the final product.
Easily Modify Presentations To Meet Your Needs
One of the most convenient aspects of Knovio is the ability to combine as much or as little content together to create extremely engaging experiences, or ones that contain only the necessary material. Depending on your audience and what they are looking for, you're able to tailor presentations and learning portals to provide exactly what they're looking for.
Repurpose For Different Audiences
Since we make it so easy to add and edit the content that's added to a Knovio presentation, it's easy to copy and tweak material to be used for different audiences or different situations. Not only does this save the effort put into developing new material, but free you up to spend time on other initiatives.
Brand Each Presentations
A benefit of Knovio that has proven to be every popular in the insurance field is the ability to brand each of the presentations to the specific company you are presenting to. This can be done not only in the slide deck you upload, but also in audio narration, speaker profiles, and in personalized portals where users can find all relevant material.
Add Audio Narration In Seconds
One type of content that a lot of professionals have started to leverage more often is narration either thorough video or audio. Not only does this ensure that messaging can be standardized and clearly delivered, but it allows content to translated and searched by users. With Knovio, your able to upload either audio and receive searchable transcripts, or to upload text that can be turned into the audio narration, both in a number of English voices or over 12 different languages. this has been used to repurpose content for new audiences or just to make the information more easily searchable.
Better Train Your Trainers
Another way Knovio makes the presentation process a bit easier is to provide a more efficient way to actually communicate with your audience. Our presenter mode allows you to run through your presentation while keeping your speaker notes and any talking points private to your screen. Some use this strictly for bullet points they would like to touch on and others use it to house information that you would like to mention but may not need to be shared in writing with those in the room.
Let Users Take It Home To Review With The Family
After presenting information to a team, Knovio enables you to share a link where people can access the content at home to review with anyone else that may be a part of the decision process. This also enables you to see specifically who views content online and what specific presentations they have reviewed. Even add expiration dates on content
Set expiration dates for content
Open-enrollment always has an expiration date, why shouldn't your content? Knovio lets you turn on expiration dates so that out of date information can not be circulated and shared. This is one way we allow you to both securely share content without any type of negative ramifications.
Listen To What Knovio Users Have To Say:
"We were searching for a platform that would give us the ability to quickly create and deliver on-demand video content for our clients. The Knovio video platform is very easy to use and lets me deliver training content that our viewers really like because it's video, and comes across as personal, approachable, and friendly."
Jennifer Groseman, ADP
Ready To Try It Out?
If you'd like to get in touch to see just how easy it is to take your existing content and turn it into a more engaging and secure presentation, I'd like to show you how quickly this can be done. Afterward, you can ever give it a test run for 2 weeks and transform some presentations on your own!