2020’s Online Training Program Checklist

Checklist Thin

It may be hard to believe, but we're just a few short months away from entering the new year. For many of us, that means a lot needs to be done between now and then; finishing up the last few projects of 2019, planning the content we need for 2020 and making sure we have a platform that is able to create the content we have in mind.

I myself, like having a checklist to go through and find it to be a great way to make sure I have all my ducks in a row and aren't overlooking anything. To make your 2020 preparations a bit easier, I've put together the following checklist outlining features and capabilities to be aware of when selecting an online learning system to make sure you're ready for anything the new year might throw at you.

Basic Features Your Learning Platform Needs:

  • Uploading Existing Content

You should never have to start from scratch, that's why Knovio lets you upload any content you've already worked on, be it images, video, slide decks, or media as a starting point to combine into more compelling presentations.

  • Recording Audio and Video from the Platform

Not all of us have the media we want to use in presentations already recorded. That's why an ideal media platform will make it easy to quickly record video and audio narrations directly from the platform.

  • Creating Compelling presentations

Once you have all the content you want to use, you'll need a platform that lets you combine the media into one compelling content. The more options you're given when building out these platforms, the more engaging your presentations can become.

  • Personalized Learning Portals

In today's world, ease of use is key. Providing one location where your viewers can access the content they need will not only score you convenience points but will make it far more likely that viewers will actually watch the content your creating.

Personalization Functionality You'll want to have:

  • Blended Learning Options To Engage Viewers

Combining a number of media into one presentation is a must-do for today's audiences. This is a function that your online platform will need to have if you want to engage viewers and create content that will hold their attention.

  • Add A Personal Touch With Speaker Profiles

It's always important to ensure you provide your viewers with a personal touch, especially in content where you are using a knowledge expert or outside presenter. Adding a speaker profile is a great way to show people who're speaking while providing a natural way to display their credentials.

  • Transcripts To Help Viewers Follow Along

Making sure that viewers are following along with the information your presentation covers is extremely important but often the most difficult part of creating a successful online learning platform. Adding a transcript that follows along with the audio is a great way to provide one more layer to viewer engagement. Some transcripts can even be searched to help viewers quickly find specific content.

  • Auto-Narration For Time Sensitive Projects

Sometimes there just isn't enough time to narrate all your presentations but you still want to provide your audience an engaging experience. For these instances, a lot of programs have started to provide the ability to create auto-translation from scripts. These typically only take a few seconds to create and can make the presentation far more engaging.

  • Translation To Spread Your Reach

We live in a global world and for a lot of us, that means we have a global audience. The ability to quickly edit presentations into another language is quickly becoming an essential part of online learning for a lot of teams. Using a platform that can automate this process is going to save a lot of time for teams that need to meet the demands of global viewers.

Security Features To Protect Your Content

  • Use Guestbooks to See Viewers

A key part of knowing how your content is performing is to see exactly how many people are viewing it, and often to see who specifically has watched it. An ideal content creation platform will enable you to use Guestbooks as a way to see exactly this.

  • Password protect Content for secure access

Depending on the type of presentations you're working on,  some material may not be suitable for all audiences or may need to be kept under wraps. For this reason, the ability to add password protection is essential for certain users.

  • Use Paywalls for monetization

This will again be dependent on the type of content your team is producing, but having the option of monetizing specific presentations may be something to look out for. To keep it simple, a paywall will allow you to charge users a specific amount before they are able to access your material. This may not be something that is on the radar for all users but might be something to keep an eye out for.

  • Share content where it needs to be

Whatever your presentations may be, one thing is for certain. In today's world, your users have come to expect content to be easy to access. It is for this reason that many people look for a platform that will allow them to export and use content in a number of ways including adding to their website, adding to learning portals, a custom link, and to social media pages.

In-Depth Analytics:

  • See which content performing best

A great platform is going to give you the ability to accurately track and dive into how your content is performing. This insight will let you know what's resonating and what topics/formats you may want to focus on in the future.

  • Track Viewer Engagement

In addition to seeing what content is being viewed, you may also want to see how effectively the presentation is holding the attention of viewers. Many platforms will provide this in the form of charts showing how long viewers are watching and where you're losing them.

  • Scheduled Reporting To Save Time

When it comes to reporting, this may not be something you have the time to sit down and run everytime you'd like to see how content is being engaged with. It is for this reason that many platforms have started allowing users to schedule reports to be sent to them at regular intervals. Every month, week, or even day depending on your needs!

Other Features to Keep An Eye Out For:

  • Notifications to Drive People to New Content

One thing that has become more prevalent in more and more systems is the ability to alert your audience to new content through things like email notifications. This helps to both drive more people to the content you've been working on greatly increasing the total amount of views it receives.

  • Assistance with live events

If you've ever gone through the planning, preparation, and execution of a live event, you know how much time and effort can go into them. This is why a lot of people will look for a platform that both makes the process easier, provides more options in how its conducted and will allow for a recording to be created.

  • Knowledge Checks and Quizzes along the way

Another aspect of online presentations that have been becoming increasingly more prevalent is the inclusion of knowledge checks and quizzes. For some, this is a must-have in their presentation platform and for others, it may not be of interest; depending on your use this may be something to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways:

As we head into the new year, there's a lot your team will need to consider to make sure you're prepared for upcoming projects and the increasing expectations of viewers. I hope this checklist will prove helpful when evaluating potential options and will provide a guiding hand in what you may want to be on the lookout for.

To see a platform that meets all the points on this checklist, I'd recommend checking out Knovio. You'll be able to see exactly how your content can be uploaded, combined with media, then shared in personalized and branded portals where viewers can securely access it. You can even try out Knovio free for 14 days to see for yourself just how easy it makes developing engaging content.

Discover Knovio Today!

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